Free experiences on Fyn

Photo: Kasper Orthmann Andersen

Track down terrific treats that won’t empty your pockets.

Udstilling i et træbygget rum med masser af glasmontre og ovenlysvindue
Photo: Aurélien Brusini

Broholm Slots oldtidssamling

Besøg en af Danmarks ældste museumsbygninger på Broholm Slot og oplev en imponerende samling af stenalderfund – helt gratis!

Her venter over 60.000 flintredskaber, sirligt arrangeret fra gulv til loft, i en unik museumsbygning fra 1878. En fascinerende oplevelse for historieelskere og nysgerrige sjæle!

Nature Reserve Hindsgavl Dyrehave
Photo: Niels Martner

Nature Reserve Hindsgavl Dyrehave

The deer park has a large population of fallow and red deer. As you walk around the deer park, you can experience the deer that graze in the forest and on the plain. Deer are the area's nature and lan...


Odense Harbour Bath - go for a free swim

Odense Havnebad is located in the centre of Odense Harbour. It is shaped like a ship with a deck and cabin, making it easy to find.

More activities on Odense Harbour


The Art Towers of Langeland

Denmark’s longest art exhibition - a totally unique way of enjoying works of art.

Enebærodde på Nordfyn set fra luften - en lang grøn tange med sandede stier, der går ud i det blå vand.
Photo: VisitFyn


Enebærodde is a beautiful spit between Kattegat and Odense Fjord. Here are delicious sandy beaches where you can relax, good hiking and biking trails and great views!

Photo: VisitSvendborg


The Archipelago Trail will be one of the longest hiking trails in Denmark.
When completed ïn february 2008 a 220 kilometre-long hiking trail will circumvent the South Funen Archipelago for short or lo...
Photo: Østfyns Museer



Exhibitions about life in Kerteminde in the old days, as well as a cozy café, courtyard and shop

The Wild Horses - Gulstav Mose
Photo: Jonas Legarth

The Wild Horses - Gulstav Mose

The south tip of Langeland is home to a large nature reserve with open grasslands, lakes and ponds, wetlands, woodland and cliffs. Here you can encounter a herd of “wild” Exmoor ponies, which fend for...


Stige Island - peninsula of Odense

Explore Stige Island anew! In the past Stige Island was used as Odense Municipality's landfill. It is now completely cleaned up and reclaimed as a natural oasis and activity area, with multiple vantag...


TICKON - Tranekær Internationale Center for Art and Nature

Take a walk around Tranekær Castle’s park and  see  the Land-Art installations created by internationally acclaimed artists here - an organic interplay between art and nature.

Vægter og cirka 20 personer på vægterture gennem Ærøskøbing i solnedgangen.
Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Vægtertur i Ærøskøbing

Gå med vægteren en tur rundt i Ærøskøbings gamle by og oplev den unikke arkitektur. Måske kan du skelne fakta fra røverhistorier? Det er gratis for børn under 15 år. 

Keramikruten "Ceramics trail"
Photo: Visitmiddelfart

Keramikruten "Ceramics trail"

The 2.3 kilometer long Keramikrute in Middelfart combines the experience of ceramic art with harbor atmosphere and city life.

Street art in Langå
Photo: Linda Jarnborg

Street art in Langå

Art decoration of the old railway bridge in Langå.

Et luffoto af Fyns Hoved i efteråret med hav på begge sider
Photo: 24Copenhagen

Fyns Hoved

På Fynshoved er der også et usædvanligt rigt fugleliv og flere sjældne planter, så det er med god grund, at Fynshoved er et af fynboernes foretrukne udflugtsmål til at opleve smuk natur. Man kan lade fantasien få frit løb, og opleve, hvordan her så ud, da den fredløse Marsk Stig gemte sig i Røverdalen. Eller man kan kaste linen i havet, for fiskeriet ved Fynshoved er fantastisk.
