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Getting around on your hiking holiday

Photo: Destination Fyn

Take a look at this overview of how to get around on your hike holiday. You also get an overview over ferries, if you want to go island hopping as part of your hike. Enjoy your hike!

Take the bus


Taxi companies

TaxaFyn, Svendborg, Tel 70102122 

TaxaFyn, Faaborg, Tel. 62618800

Øens Taxa, Ærø: Tel. 20208202

Byens Taxa, Langeland: Tel.. 62511080

Rudkøbing Taxa, Langeland: Tel. 62511258

Take the ferry and go island hopping

Ærøfærgerne - Between Svendborg/Faaborg and Ærø

ÆrøXpressen - Between Ærø and Langeland

Ø-Færgen - Between Faaborg and Avernakø/Lyø

Færgen Højestene - Between Svendborg and Drejø/Skarø

M/S Helge - In Svendborgsund

Hjortøboen - Between Svendborg and Hjortø

Strynø Færgen - Between Rudkøbing and Strynø

Bagage transportation

Faaborg-Midtfyn: Askeris Bed & Breakfast - Bjarne Daugaard, Tel. 21730678

Ærø: Claus Nielsen, Tel. 20330971

Other areas: Contact your accommodation or the nearest taxi company

The easy way to get around on your hiking trip

Planning a hiking trip is not always an easy task, especially if it involves children. There are a lot of details to get right in order to make it all come together.


We've talked to our most experienced hikers to get the top tips on transportation before, during and after the hike.

Top tip #1

If you want to take the children, your friend or a lover for a short hike without accommodation, you might be surprised to find that it actually requires some planning ahead.

If it isn't a round trail that starts and stops in the same place, you have to consider how to get back to the starting point in the smartest way. For instance, you might want to hike just one section of our beautiful Archipelago Trail.

The comfortable way: Attach your bicycle to your car and start by placing it at the end destination of the hike. This could be a restaurant, allowing you to end the hike with a nice meal. Once you've finished eating, you simply hop on your bike, go back to where you started your hike (and left your car), put the bike back on the car and go get the rest of your hiking crew. Easy, right?

The not quite as comfortable way: You can of course always take the bus back to the starting point and your car. This might involve another walk to and from the bus stop. We recommend using this travel planner to find the right bus and departure time.

Top tip #2

Are you thinking about taking the whole family on a hiking holiday? We highly recommend exploring our package tours. The good thing about this type of holiday is that everything is planned for you. You just have to put on your hiking boots, pack your bag and go hiking without any worries.

Top tip #3

Would you rather decide for yourself where to hike and where to sleep? Start by checking out our many hiking trails here on Fyn and the surrounding islands.

Accommodation during the holiday is a must – and there are plenty of possibilities near the different trails. You can see all the accommodation possibilities right here.