Egeskov Slot set fra afstand gennem en tåge med omridset af et spøgelse.

Thrilling ghost stories from the castles on Fyn

Photo: Destination Fyn

There are lots of old stories about inexplicable events happening in the castles on Fyn. Candles are falling down, chairs are being pushed, doors are being slammed, inexplicable sounds and sudden chills. What would a castle be without a ghost?

The Grey Lady of Broholm Castle

She is standing in the doorway watching the sleeping kids. The sun has set a long time ago, while a completely transparent and grey figure breathlessly walks from door to door. The old wooden floor creaks under the carpet even by the smallest of steps – but not when she walks the halls.

Nærbillede af gulvtæppe på børnegangen på Broholm Slot.

Photo:Ane Johansen

The Unknown Grey Lady

For centuries, the Grey Lady has been a regular visitor at the castle. Despite of this, no one really knows anything about her. Legend has it that she used to be a housemaid at the castle. Maybe she haunts the castle because she can’t let go of the children she once spend to many years looking after.

The Grey Lady means no harm – you can visit and stay at the castle with peace in mind. Who knows, maybe you will experience something inexplicable yourself ...

Spøgelseslignende form ses bag et hvidt gardin.

Photo:Steinar Engeland

Old myths at Egeskov Castle

Up under the spire of the castle lies a doll. The doll is carved in wood and looks like a little boy and is firmly placed on an old cushion. It's undoubtedly an old thing: there are mentions of the doll dating back to the 1880s, so it's been there for over a hundred years, but no one knows for sure exactly how old it is. Nor does anyone know how the doll ended up there on the pillow.

But no one dares to move the doll, because legend has it that if the wooden doll is moved, the castle will crash into the moat on Christmas Night.

Step carefully when looking at the doll. No one wants to be the person, who crashed the castle into the moat. Weather the myth is true or not – why take the chance? Visit Egeskov Castle and uncover the mystery—dare you get close to the doll without tempting fate?

En trædukke ligger på en pude under nogle skrå bjælker

Photo:Egeskov Slot

Mørke, uhyggelige omgivelser, hvor der strømmer lys ind ad et gammelt, støvet vindue.

Photo:Denny Muller

The White Lady of Hindsgavl Castle

A young girl is sitting in a horse carriage excited about her forthcoming wedding. It is dark and the moonlight throws dark shadows upon the landscape.

Suddenly the horses get frightened by the shadows, and the driver loses control over the carriage. In an uncontrolled chaos, the carriage ends up in the dark lake and the girl drowns.

Legend has it that the girl’s future husband, a young squire, feels such great sorrow that he for several years walks the castle park in search of his great love. Sometimes a figure in a white dress appears but disappears just as fast.

Today, the White Lady walks the park after dark in search of her beloved fiancé. In flashes she appears but quickly disappears again with a sigh. Because of her sudden death just days before her wedding, legend has it that she only appears before men.

Mørk uhyggelig skov med tåge.

Photo:Artur Rutkowski

Encounters with the White Lady

Several of the male employees of the castle and guests tell stories about their encounter with the White Lady. In search of her fiancé, she sometimes wanders inside the castle.

Inexplicable things happen especially in the green room and room 146. Footsteps are heard, and chairs are dragged across the floor but there are no one to be seen. Candles drops from chandeliers in the seeling for no apparent reason.

Come visit the castle and stay the night. Maybe if you are lucky, you will encounter the White Lady …

Spøgelser i den grønne stue på Hindsgavl slot

Photo:Ane Johansen