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Books, maps and films about the Archipelago Trail

Photo: Destination Fyn

Find more information about the Archipelago Trail right here – you can find the 7 maps of the different parts of the trail, the guidebook and videos of the trail.

Silhuetten af en person står med udsigt til havet og strækker armene op i vejret

The adventure starts with a single step

Photo: Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav

The Archipelago Trail

The guidebook about the Archipelago Trail is a must-have, if you love to hike. You can read about the nature and landscape along the hike, but also stories about buildings, the big influence of seafaring, the small market towns’ monopoly on trade and many more stories which have shaped the Archipelago over time.


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En telefon er sat ind foran et naturbillede med vand, strand og klint. Øverst står teksten Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav sammen med deres logo.

Photo:Mikkel Jézéguel

Are you hiking with kids?

You can find a whole section about hiking with kids in the guidebook. Read about what equipment to bring when hiking with the little ones, ideas for kid-friendly activities and kid-friendly routes on the Archipelago Trail.