Skovsbo Manor
Skovsbo Gods is an old manor house, built in the 1570's.
Skovsbo was built in the 1570s by Erik Hardenberg, who was one of the richest men of his time. But a heavy fate rested upon Hardenberg and his wife, Anne Rønnow. Already at the age of 3, she became motherless, and she herself died in 1609, as the last in her line of the Rønnow family. Erik Hardenberg also became the last of his family's male line. The couple had 10 children, 6 of whom died early. Of the 4 surviving daughters, two were insane. No wonder the couple was characterized by melancholy and strong religiosity.
It is said that Anne goes again to Skovsbo. The joke is surprising, because she was both pious and charitable. It is also said that Mrs. Rønnow once had the so-called Forest Book crucifix erected as a thank you offering. The crucifix still stands by the road at Skovsbo. The crossroads has given rise to speculation about whether Anne Rønnow was a hidden Catholic in the time after the Reformation in 1536.
There is no access to the estate for visitors, but the estate can be seen from the road.