Unique harbour front with Lillebælt bridges as its backdrop
Experience the beautiful new, award-winning harbour front. Here, homes, cafés, the marina, the old harbour, KulturØen and Middelfart Sparekasses award-winning headquarters admirably intermingle with the recreational areas.
De Hængende Haver (The Hanging Gardens)
Opposite Gl.Havn you will find the old part of Middelfart, where the small streets ooze idyll. The houses facing the waterfront in Gl. Vestergade are small, and did formerly house fishermen and craftsmen. At the slope facing Gl. Havn and Lillebælt, the “Hanging Gardens” can be seen, which are beautifully rolling terraces, many with small pavilions.
An alluring oasis on the edge of Lillebælt with a unique view of the Lillebælt bridges. The sculptural building houses a cinema, Denmark’s most beautiful library and Middelfart Tourist Information. Free hotspot for your laptop.