Dronefoto af Skarø havn, hvor en tomastet skonnert ligger som den eneste båd for enden af havnen
Sort silhuet af person i kajak, der sejler ud i solnedgangen på stille vand. To fiskestænger anes fra kajakken.

Water wonders on Fyn and the islands

If you're drawn to the water, navigate towards Fyn and the Islands! The archipelago and beautiful coastal landscapes make sailing and water activities in these waters uniquely enchanting. Explore life in the aquatic realm at the attractions listed further down this page.

Explore the archipelago on your own

It's easy, as there are plenty of options to rent boats and kayaks here in Fyn and the Islands. If you're more inclined to relax, you can go island hopping and save some energy.

Adventures on the Water

Here's a quick tip from us: choose 'map' below for a more comprehensive view of Fyn and the Islands.


Odense Harbour Bath - go for a free swim

Odense Havnebad is located in the centre of Odense Harbour. It is shaped like a ship with a deck and cabin, making it easy to find.

More activities on Odense Harbour

Green ExperienceFjord&Bælt
Photo: Fjord&Bælt



A world of unique experiences with sea animals for children & adults

Photo: naturama


Naturama is the Region of Southern Denmark's natural history museum, centrally located in cosy Svendborg.

Lillebælt Nature Park
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Lillebælt Nature Park

Nature Park Lillebælt is Denmark's largest nature park. A marine nature park, with the Little Belt winding and flowing through the beautiful coastal landscape. It is home to the world's densest popula...

Øhavsmuseet in Faaborg
Photo: Ard Jongsma

Øhavsmuseet in Faaborg

Feel the Magic

Nature has always played a central part in the lives of humans. However, in course of time, industrialisation and urbanisation have estranged us from the very same nature. Therefore, Ø...

To windsurfere står med oprejst sejl på havet

SHORES on Langeland

The coast is one of Langeland's distinctive features. It offers countless opportunities for experiences suited to every temperament, season, and not least, wind direction. On Langeland, you are never more than 5 km away from the coast. This is precisely where you'll find the best spots for water activities.


Bridgewalking - The prospect of something special

Go on Bridge Walk in Denmark.

You can go to Sydney. Or Lillebælt (The Little Belt). In both places, you can walk above a bridge. Experience the height. The sinking feeling. The spectacular and unimpede...

Danmarks Museum for Lystsejlads
Photo: VisitSvendborg

Danmarks Museum for Lystsejlads

Explore the history of yachting.

Geopark The South Funen Archipelago
Photo: Ærø Turist og Erhverv

Geopark The South Funen Archipelago

Experience the "drowned" ice age landscape of which Ærø is a part.

En fisker står med vand til lårene. Han har fiskestangen løftet lige op i luften og er ved at tage en fisk op af vandet.
Photo: Fisch&Fang

Havørred Fyn

Havørred Fyn er et unik projekt, der forener naturpleje, forretning og jobskabelse.

Gorilla Park Svendborg
Photo: Gorilla Park

Gorilla Park Svendborg

If you want to be active with your family, friends, or colleagues, there is an outstanding opportunity to test your limits, laugh, and exercise all at once when you take a trip in the treetops.

The Boat-center of Strynø
Photo: Turist- og Erhvervsforeningen Langeland

The Boat-center of Strynø

At the Øhavet's Smakke and Nature Centre, several different dinghies are displayed and the history of the taste dinghies is told in words and pictures.


Whale watching with the best seats on the tour boat M/S Marianne

We sail to get as many experiences and stories as possible, as well as seeing porpoises, seals, bird life, and at rare times sea eagles.

MS Fortuna
Photo: MS Fortuna

MS Fortuna

Boat cruise with MS Fortuna on and around the Little Belt, home to one of the world's largest porpoise populations.

Middelfart Museum
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Middelfart Museum

Middelfart Museum

Tells the story of the town and surrounding area at 3 venues.

Algade 8 offers a special exhibition room, café and museum shop.

Brogade 8 is the newly restored Henner Friisers Hus....


GoBoat Odense - Boat Hire

Be your own captain in Odense Harbour with GoBoat. Whether your family is going on a trip this weekend, celebrating a birthday, want to show off Odens...

Kayak and SUP rental - Lifeplan Kajak & Friluftsliv
Photo: Lifeplan Kajak & Friluftsliv

Kayak and SUP rental - Lifeplan Kajak & Friluftsliv

Experience Svendborgsund and the South Funen Archipelago Geopark from the water. Lifeplan Kayak & Outdoor Activities offers experiences in sea kayaking and stand-up paddleboards, SUPs. These are activ...

Spearfishing with Nicus Nature
Photo: VisitSvendborg

Spearfishing with Nicus Nature

If you like fishing, join this fantastic and unique activity that combines excitement and the joy of food.

Trente Mølle
Photo: Faaborg Turistbureau

Trente Mølle

Hilly area with a mill pond and woodland. There has been a watermill at Trente since the beginning of the 1600s. The windmill was built in 1872 to supplement the production of the water-mill. The mill...
Wilderness bath and sauna at Kleven Havn
Photo: Ærø Turist og Erhverv

Wilderness bath and sauna at Kleven Havn

Relax in the wilderness bath or in the sauna at Kleven Havn - it's balm for the soul regardless of the season.

Dykning dyk diving aktiv hav Fyn øhavet
Photo: Kasper Orthmann Andersen
Kitesurfing by Flyvesandet
Photo: Nina Flintegaard

Kitesurfing by Flyvesandet

If you're looking for the good waves and beautiful nature, then the top of Funen by Flyvesandet is the coolest place for kitesurfing!


What else to see and do while on Fyn

En gruppe mennesker står på en bro højt oppe med udsigt til hav og land med den Nye Lillebæltsbro i baggrunden
Adventure activities for the whole family
Midt i billedet ses en slidt rød jolle med to årer stikkende ud. Den ligger på en strandbred hvor der på højre side er en klit dækket af grønne buske. Till højre ses havet.
3 Deserted Islands - Be Robinson Crusoe For One Day
En dreng fodrer en giraf, mens en kvinde, en mand og to piger griner og kigger på.
The biggest attractions on Fyn
En flok mennesker kigger interesseret på en dame, der står med en ugle på armen og på skulderen.
Popular animal attractions on Fyn
En kvinde og en mand går sammen foran tre farverige huse.
H. C. Andersen's Odense
I forgrunden ses toppen af en lang række gule huse med et par træer foran. I baggrunden ses en blå himmel med et kirketårn foran.
Must visit places in the old towns
En familie kommer gående på en havn med en masse skibe i baggrunden.
Spend your holiday at sea
To børn og to voksne går tur ved en havn, hvor man bagved kan se et pakhus i gule og røde farver.
Maritime attractions on Fyn